Jean-Pierre Farandou

The SNCF pays the utmost attention to the safety of all its users, but of all French people. The unprecedented presence of a medical unit on board this SNCF train dedicated to the Rugby World Cup, which promotes regional values, is also a reminder of the extent to which we all need to show solidarity in the face of Covid-19.

Jean-Baptiste Djebbari

I would like to thank those who, like Loxamed, are mobilizing and participating in our health protection policy, with the possibility of being tested in these mobile units, deployed across the country and especially in the Île-de-France region.

Philippe Juvin

I chose very early on to deploy a Loxamed mobile unit at La Garenne-Colombes, because it is by combining the strength of our public services with innovation from our private companies that we will succeed in defeating this pandemic.

Daniel Cornalba

Thanks to the quality of the service provided by Loxamed and the professionalism of our receptionist, L'Étang-la-Ville was able to demonstrate its agility in the face of an unprecedented health crisis, and find solutions to facilitate the screening of its citizens.

Christrian Estrosi

Since the beginning of the crisis, the city of Nice has done everything in its power to protect its residents. It was the first city to massively screen and distribute masks to everyone. Today, we need to multiply our screening policies and strengthen our vaccination capacity.

Franck Louvrier

During the summer months, the population of La Baule increases tenfold. It was necessary to put in place a reinforced system both to reassure residents and to offer everyone, especially young people, a way of getting tested so that they could take advantage of all the infrastructures and places to live.

Marlène Dolveck

Stations, at the service of the general interest, are efficient places to get tested during your mobility journey.

Bernard Laporte

It is a great source of pride for us to be supported in the health security of our sporting events by a 100% French company. Loxamed has been our health partner since the beginning of the health crisis, and in view of the effectiveness of its systems, we wanted it to ensure the health protection of the VI Nations tournament for all the matches to be held in France.

Valérie Pécresse

All the initiatives undertaken by the Île-de-France region in partnership with Loxamed are aimed at bringing testing as close as possible to the population. There are people who go to work every day and don't have time to queue for hours.